January 8, 2012

Dr. Seuss does Burning Man! (I’m a fan). {NSFWish video}

Oh, the Places You’ll Go at Burning Man!

Best Burning Man video I’ve ever seen (you’ll know what I mean).

I’m 37. I’ve had friends going for 15 years, now, hard to believe. I’ve always been sorta intrigued (1), scared (2) and dismissive (3) re: Burning Man.

Now…I finally might have to go and give it a whirl. Life is short!

Is this the year to go? Only you might know:

Coachella (4 days): $269.00 + $57 camping Bonnaroo (4 days): $249.50 + $23 fees, + $150 RV pass Rothbury (4 days): $249.50 + $125 RV pass Glastonbury (5 days): $272 + $21 parking Burning Man (8 days): $300 (highest of tiered pricing levels)

“Based on Dr. Seuss’s final book before his death, this is a story about life’s ups and downs, told by the people of Burning Man 2011.

Directed by:
Teddy Saunders (www.tedshots.com)
Parker Howell (www.parkerhowell.com)
William Walsh (www.wbwalsh.com)
Produced and Edited by Teddy Saunders
Digital Effects and Color by Parker Howell
Original Score By Darius Holbert
Sound Mix by Tyler Payne

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Bonus: Dr. Seuss defines love.

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