January 11, 2012

Roald Dahl: the key to being Beautiful.

The key to beauty? Maitri.

Skip the crazy-pricey-trendy clothes, the plastic surgery. Dress smartly and be yourself…the light and charm in our eyes and heart will make us beautiful. And we don’t need to fight aging. Just like yourself, more and more.

Roald Dahl.


On Roald’s ugly thoughts, from a Reddit comment:

“He was an unpleasant person, but not as unpleasant as many nostalgia-ruining others are/were. He disliked children and saw the irony of his success, was an adulterer and emotionally abusive to his spouse, was an anti-Semite, and was an otherwise (apparently) equal-opportunity bigot. His first wife called him ‘Roald the Rotten’.

Enjoy the stories, and ignore the person. He caused some pain in his immediate vicinity, but he’s dead now and that’s over. He did nothing bad to kids; instead, he gave them the type of dark stories that they need to sort out the world of adults in their heads. Separating the art from the artist seems to be something we need to do more and more thanks to basic human shittiness.”


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