January 13, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom: Wes Anderson is back.

Update: Bill Murray gives a tour of the set, while drinking one spiced rum. Another one on its way. Everything Wes touches becomes a world I want to inhabit:


It’s Wes Anderson’s world, we just wish we were living in it.

And I know who I want to take to the movies…we’ll ride bikes and someone will narrate our journey to dinner and then the theater where we’ll buy perfectly golden popcorn and eat red twizzlers and say witty things while various stages of our adventure will be set off by stylee old-school yet hip fonts…we’ll both be incredibly dressed, I in a too-bright yellow cowboy shirt with funny pattern on it and buck-colored wingtips and checkered shorts and big black glasses though I don’t wear glasses and if I did I’d wear tortoise-shell. And she in a simple summer cotton dress with polka dots.

First official trailer for Moonrise Kingdom:

With…Bill Murray and Jason Schwartzman alongside Bruce Willis, Ed Norton, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton, and newcomers Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward, is set to open in theaters May 25th.

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