May 27, 2012

20 Things You Can Leave Behind Today. ~ Diane Clement

A little look at emptying out, rather than filling up.

Do you feel overwhelmed, undone, confused, stressed, concerned, worried, anxious, uneasy or all of the above?

Let’s take a trip, a trip to Right Now.

The way is so simple, yet we weird people like to complicate the journey.

What we like to do is add life-sucking mud bogs, wild beasts that are out to get us, brick walls that reach the sky and quicksand, and then we pave the ground with a treadmill so that it feels like we aren’t moving anywhere and of course we throw in the conspiracy against us.

Then, we sabotage our voyage with the simple belief that what we want and need is “just around the corner.”

We say, (or at least I do) “as soon as I have (fill in the blank) I will be happy.”

Or, “if I can make it to this weekend, I will be able to just breathe.”

From the above, the excuses are born.

I invite you on a journey to Right Now.

This is what you need:

• To breathe.

• Yoga mat (optional).

Photo credit: Diane Clement

This is what you don’t need:

• The belief that you are not good enough.

• Fear.

The lie you have been telling yourself for years and years. (Mine: I am a pain in the ass and not significant).

• Excuses.

• Thoughts that include: should, should have, shouldn’t have, should be, etc.

• Comparison and judgement in all forms.

• The past (cause it’s gone for good).

• The future (I have been vigorously chasing the carrot for 35 years. It’s exhausting).

• Attachment.

• Your analyzing mind.

• Self-doubt.

• Your stories.

Resentment or anger.

• Tension.

• The need to know.

• The need to be right.

• Expectation.

• Desire (put down Fifty Shades of Grey at least 30 minutes prior to your trip).

• Your “to do” list

• Worry.

There you have it.

Lighten the load today and just breathe for a bit. If you’re really busy, you might need double.

Enjoy the journey and may your trip leave you in abundance.

Tomorrow, repeat.


Diane Clement is a Canadian-born international educator, Ironman triathlete and aspiring Baptiste certified yoga instructor. She has lived abroad for the past 12 years in Japan, Thailand, Colombi and Brazil and currently resides in Mexico. She loves to write and share her ideas and experiences with the ultimate goal of inspiring and empowering others. Diane is committed to building a community where people are encouraged to make their real potential happen. You can connect with Diane on Twitter, Facebook or her blog.

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Editor: Jamie Morgan

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