June 29, 2012

Yoga Tree Pose 101 (you can do it, with Melanie Freeman of Black Swan Yoga).

Yoga: Practice Life Stability (and Relaxation) with the Simple (yet Profound) Tree Pose.

We must relax into Mother Earth & remember the Heavens above in order to feel our Heart, in between.

There’s nothing much more beautiful than seeing a friend, charming and humble and strong, doing what she’s meant to do. Cheers to our elephriend Melanie Freeman of Black Swan Yoga!

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Yoga : Melanie : Tree

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Tree pose really & truly is my favorite pose. This pose has so many details you can connect in with, which allows your mind to relax, while you are balancing your root/foot into the floor, strengthening your legs while you balance, opening your hips while you stand, opening your heart while you breathe, and strengthening your back while you slow down your breath as you open your arms to the sky. Favorite all around pose! 😀 Enjoy!!

(Hip opener, leg strengthener, heart opener, & mind balancing.)

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