July 7, 2012

Use conventional makeup? Here are the 515 chemicals you’re putting on yourself every day.

Use conventional (even high-end) make up? Here’s the key Chemicals your face and body are absorbing:



We’ve covered this issue many times before, but there’s nothing like a simple infographic to remind us: our choices have consequences, for good or ill (literally).

Via Mind Body Green, via Daily Mail:

“most of our favourite cosmetics are cocktails of industrially produced and potentially dangerous chemicals that could damage our health and, in some cases, rather than delivering on their potent ‘anti-ageing’ promise, are causing us to age faster…

…Many of those are also used in products such as household cleaners, and have been linked to a number of health problems from allergies and skin sensitivity to more serious hormonal disturbances, fertility problems and even cancer.

Parabens…are found in shampoos, hair gels, shaving gels and body lotions…

…may mutate and become toxic when exposed to sunlight, causing premature skin ageing and an increased risk of skin cancer.

Methylparabens are found in more than 16,000 products, including moisturisers and toothpastes…

‘Research shows that between 20 and 60 per cent of parabens may be absorbed into the body.'”

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Relephant Read:

Estee Lauder, Avon & Mary Kay have Resumed Animal Testing (after a 20 year hiatus).

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