August 9, 2012

15 Great Musical Artists or Bands who’ve sold out to the Man & Three who Decline to do so.

Would you let Shane McGowan drive your new Forester?!

Or, it’s easy to Sing about Integrity, while being a Backdoor Man. It’s harder to do it right: walk your path with integrity.

Qualification: if the music is sold to an awesome, sustainable, inspiring product…god bless. ~ ed.

1. Jimi Hendrix

2. Bob Dylan.

3. Postal Service

4. The Pogues

5. The Smiths

6. Clash

7. Ramones

8. Violent Femmes

9. Iggy Pop & The Buzzcocks

10. Descendents

11. Sex Pistols

12. Minutemen

13. Michael Jackson

14. Beatles

15. Rolling Stones

And three who refuse license to shill:

1. Beastie Boys

2. Neil Young

3. Tom Waits

Sure there’s many more…add in comments, below, I’ll add ’em in on either list. And if you have links to commercials, please include those.


Bonus: Here’s one we can’t help but love: Jose Gonzalez, for Sony. Any others you can’t help but love?

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