August 5, 2012

Knitting Is Sexy. ~ Nikita Akilpa

You do it because you love it.

You like to knit? Well I think you’re pretty darned hot. I like your style. Because you’re creative. Because you’re good with your hands. Because you like to be unique. Because you appreciate the beauty of wrapping yourself in love and patience. Because you’re probably conscious of the moral and ethical implications of buying mostly high street fashion. You don’t care that it’s not supposed to be cool; you do it anyway because you love it. And you’re passionate about it. In my book, that’s sexy.

Now I’m not blowing my own trumpet (yes, I totally am), but I myself am a knitter. You will rarely see me without two wooden needles poking out of my bag. I am almost always draped in some sort of fabulous woolen goodness, even in summer. My goddess of a mother taught me to knit when I was teeny–tiny, and I’ve had the bug ever since. It’s kind of like a handicraft “feeder drug” because once you’re hooked on knitting, you start getting into things like stitching and crocheting and weaving…and before you know it, you’re making batik wall hangs and fascinator hats.

We should all do our bit for the war against landfill by at least cutting down on disposable fashion.  I am on a crusade to spread the good word in the hope that more people will come down with a dose of creativity with clothes making.

Here are 10 reasons why knitting is a great idea:

  1. It’s a talking point. People like to ask you what you’re knitting, or comment on how lovely your shawl or snood is. It’s easy to make friends when you’re sitting on your own in your local organic, raw or vegan café, working away on your latest creation with a serene smile on your face. Public wool manipulation is like a conversation starting friend magnet.
  2. It teaches important life lessons. It reminds you that with patience and dedication, you can make beautiful things happen. It shows you that discipline is the bridge between intention and achievement.
  3. It saves money. The price of a few balls of yarn is much less than buying a jumper from the high street.
  4. It’s great collateral for bartering or trade. My tattooist has just offered to knock £100 off the price of my shoulder sleeve if I knock him up a sweet scarf/hood.  Now that’s a bargain.
  5. Every handmade item is a “one-off.” Your clothes are a part of your semiotics, and by wrapping your body in deliciously unique clothes, you’re paying homage to your wonderful individuality
  6. Handmade things make great gifts. It’s such a lovely feeling to receive something that you know took time to make, and will carry in its stitches the energy of the person who lovingly crafted it, especially for you.
  7. Wool is warm. Mmmmmm.
  8. It exercises your arm and finger muscles. This helps in yoga, particularly hand balances like Crow, Swan and hand stand.
  9. Knitting is like yoga. You sit down with your needles and yarn to cast on, ready to honour your wool and your spare time, resolving to make this a beautiful scarf. It’s the same as coming to the front of your mat with your feet grounded to the earth, invoking Patanjali, ready to honour your body, resolving to make this a beautiful practice. It’s an invocation of energy.
  10. It’s like meditation! Cast on 108 stitches (or divisible of, like 54, 9, 27) and treat it like a jappa mala, Gayatri, Mahamatinder, Om Namma Shivaya or a simple Om. Not only will it totally bliss you out, it will put some seriously good vibes into whatever you’re making.

 Bonus Reason.

  1. It’s a great skill to teach. If you ever find yourself in an ashram surrounded by healers, it’s a good thing to swap for a Reiki treatment or massage.


And if you’re still not convinced that knitting is sexy, just ask any wool fetish­ist to elaborate on the above.

Happy knitting!



Nikita Akilapa is a yogic pirate with itchy feet and a travel bug that have introduced her to a catalogue of adventures all over the world. She is currently embarking on the biggest adventure of all, with love in her heart and a baby in her tummy…the countdown to mama-hood has begun. During the winter, she runs Prana Rooms from North London, offering private Ashtanga and Pregnancy Yoga classes, Yoga Therapy sessions, and Ayurvedic massage.  During the summer months, Prana Rooms relocates to the mountains of northern Italy, offering week-long retreats. All year round, Nikita can be found counting her blessings at www.facebook.com/pranarooms.


Editor: Edith Lazenby

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