August 14, 2012

Every hour the sun beams onto Earth more than enough energy to satisfy global energy needs for an entire year.

Image: tcktcktck

Isn’t it time we capture the sun and all of its power?

Yeah we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun.
~ John Lennon

Today, solar technology produces less than one tenth of one percent of global energy demand! It’s time to let go of fossil fuels and capture this powerful, clean energy. Seriously.

Cost is an “issue.” But flat screen TVs used to cost $10,000. So, whatever. The sun could be a job creator. A light at the end of our polluted, crappy economic tunnel.

Fossil fuels, coal, natural gas… they’re finite resources and we have to rape and pillage the earth to extract them. The sun, on the other hand, isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It’s ours.

If and when that beautiful, miraculous, life-giving star of ours dies, clean energy will be the least of our problems. So let’s get it while we can. Throw on that harness and pull.

Future generations deserve our action.

Sign this petition from EcoWatch
telling Congress to expedite renewable energy.

Here are just a couple of hot solar power ideas:

Solar roadways.

Making Arizona a Solar Power Exporter.

Statistic in title from National Geographic.

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