September 6, 2012

Why Instagram Doesn’t Suck.

Instagram Husband (youtube.com)


The Instagram State of Mind: it’s Good for Us.

A Defense of Everyone’s Favorite Addictive Hipsterific Everyday Art + Technology Tool.

I respectfully disagree with those who would fault Instagram for “too much bad art.” It turns us all into artists—perhaps not great ones—but active ones, looking out instead of wrapped up in our own self-concern. ~ Waylon Lewis, ed.

Follow me on Instagram at @WaylonLewis

What Instagram is truly about:

I walked out of my house, casually, with my dog—only to see the most incredible lit-up fiery sky in a year, at least.

Instagram moment!

But I hadn’t brought my phone. I jogged back to my house, grabbed my phone—but you know how sunsets are—here now, faded in an instant.

So this is all I got.

A photo posted by Waylon Lewis (@waylonlewis) on

But that’s Instagram—more than just random photoporn—it gives us always an added, heightened appreciation and awareness for the present moment and the world we all share and too-briefly celebrate.

Unlike most technology, it reconnects us to Nature.


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