October 1, 2012

How to Experience Oneness?

We are all unique. Let’s enjoy the difference.

With thanks to our sponsor, Isha Foundation.

Sadhguru reminds us we are all unique. Once you begin to enjoy the uniqueness of life, oneness will happen out of that.

“We are all unique! Each one of us is different and it is so wonderful that we are different. We may spring from the same oneness of our interiority but as human beings as individuals every one of us is unique. we’re different that’s what is beautiful about us and the oneness is not yet in our experience at least not yet in the common human experience. So at least let’s enjoy the difference.

If you learn to enjoy the difference… if you see that every human being is a unique human being only once in the whole eternity only once this kind of human being happens you cannot find exactly this kind of human being anywhere else in the existence at any time in eternity only once that is true with yourself with your friend with your enemy with your loved ones and the ones you hate all of them are absolutely unique. Anything that you see as unique you value it. Isn’t it? Anything that you value you will have no problems with it and oneness will happen out of that. If you begin to enjoy the uniqueness of life oneness will happen out of that…”

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