October 10, 2012

They Stare at Me while I Stare at You. {Nudity}

They stare at me while I…crave you:

Anna Kimura from Lindsay Young on Vimeo.

AMY from Paul Kroeker on Vimeo.

Mama Rock Me… {and other Hula Hoop Beauty}

Hula Hooping’s so Hot Right Now.

This here blog is all about spectacular hula hooping by lovely people. No more, and certainly no less. So, first, let’s get some learnin’ in, so those of you who want to watch can feel like you learned something. Wikipedia:

Hula hooping has been a type of exercise and play from as early as the 5th century in ancient Greece.[2] Before it was known and recognized as the common colourful plastic toy (sometimes with water inside the actual hoop), it used to be made of dried up willow, rattan, grapevines, or stiff grasses. Even though the toy has existed for thousands of years, it is often misunderstood as being invented in the 1950s.[3]

In the 13th century in Scotland, hoops were later extended to adult audiences and were popular for recreation and religious ceremonies.[4] According to their medical records from that era, doctors treated and encouraged patients with dislocated backs and heart attack victims to use this winding exercise. Then in the early 19th century, the term “hula” was added to the toy name due to the experiences of some British soldiers who travelled to the Hawaiian Islands. During their stay, the soldiers noticed and realized the resemblance of the movement of the hips with the traditional hula dances to the movements of people that go hooping.

Send me photos of sexy gents twirling their hips, and I’ll include it in. Seriously. We’re equal opportunity fans of sexuality around here. It’s allll hot. ~ Waylon.

Lola Hoop from Le Tag Parfait on Vimeo.

Some wow skills:

Bonus: we’ve posted this before, but…


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