October 31, 2012

My Vote for Person of the Year–Lana Wachowski. {Video}

photo via youtube

This woman is a complete badass.

Just days before the release of her newest movie Cloud Atlas, Lana comes out publicly as a woman. Not only did she direct the Matrix trilogy, one of the most popular movies of all time, but she somehow kept her true self hidden most of her life even as a successful Hollywood director. Why hide? And why did she change her mind? Watch the video below.

This is one of the most compelling 30 minute YouTube videos I have ever seen because it’s a real person’s real, raw story that left my heart wide open.

Recently, she received the Human Rights Visibility Award. To me, she is The Person of the year. Her courage is as outrageous as I imagine she is.

As a parent, after watching this video, I felt a huge sigh of relief, knowing that people everywhere, particularly children who feel “out of place,” now have even more permission to be who they really are.

I cried as I imagined all of the transgendered youth, still in the closet for fear of being bullied, shamed and ridiculed, who now, because of Lana’s courage, can be themselves even more.

Lana’s story is remarkable as she discusses her youth, her struggles, her suicide attempt, and her final reason to come out as a woman and choose to face, and play openly, the music of her life.

Thank you Lana. I feel even more motivated to be courageously myself.

I bow to you sister!


Editor: Brianna Bemel


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