October 12, 2012

The Elephant in the Room. {Infographic}

Photo: John Mallon

More than 12,000 elephants are poached each year.

It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: I love elephants.

I’ve written about the cruel slaughter of elephants (and was even defriended over it) and am fascinated by these majestic creatures. My dream is to meet one in the wild.

Today, I found this infographic on WWF‘s facebook page and thought you, dear elephant readers, would find it worth checking out and sharing.

But first, if you’d like to sign a petition to help stop elephant poaching, click here. Oh, and if you’re on facebook check out the we heart elephants page.

More ways we can help (via WWF):

>> Don’t buy ivory products. Illegal trade in elephant ivory is a continuing problem, posing one of the greatest threats to elephants today.

>> Use and support sustainable palm oil. By purchasing certified sustainable palm oil, retailers, traders and manufacturers can help limit the conversion of Asian elephant habitat into oil palm plantations. Consumers can also help by demanding that products contain only sustainable palm oil.

>> Adopt an elephant.

Like elephant animal rights, elephant green and enlightened society on facebook.

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