November 21, 2012

50% of this cult favorite snack is sugar.

It’s the first ingredient, in fact:

Click above for good ol’fashioned facts, and support Wikipedia!

“It’s basically icing.” ~ Reddit

“Did you know that each jar of Nutella contains 52 hazelnuts, cocoa and a glass of skim milk!?”

Read labels, see through the hype. Love is mindfulness.

Don’t buy the commercials: “Oh my! It has Hazelnuts in and gives you energy, especially for children at school!” Buy the food label—another government oversight program we’d be (even more) obese without (obesity is a huge cost to the American taxpayer, kills productivity, and of course most simply harms lives).

Read your food labels!

In the US state of California, Nutella’s manufacturer, Ferrero, was sued in a class action lawsuit and agreed to pay $3 million (up to $4.00 per jar in returns by customers) in a settlement in which Nutella’s misleading promotion led consumers to believe that Nutella carries nutritional and health benefits, marketing it as part of a nutritious breakfast. According to the lawsuit’s settlement in April of 2012, Ferrero must change Nutella’s labeling and some marketing statements. It will also have to remove television commercials and their website must be clean of any misleading nutritional and health claims.

sugar, diabetes, nutella, breakfast, parenting, hype, commercials

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