December 19, 2012

Crazy (Dog) Love. ~ Terri Tremblett

Maybe it’s the sheer joy (and sometimes silliness) that dogs exhibit that brightens our days just a little bit more.

After almost fourteen years of exuberant life, my dog died in January 2012.  He had slowed down considerably, his eyesight was beginning to fail and arthritis had settled into his hips, but he was still excited about a drive in the car on that fateful day.

Months later, I still look for him when I walk in the door.  I listen for his bark when someone knocks.  My relationship with him lasted longer than any other relationship in my adult life.  And now, almost a full year later, I am once again excited at the recent birth of a litter of nine puppies, one of whom will be coming home with me in another few weeks.

What is the value of having a pet in our lives?  There is no doubt lots of research that tells us it is good for us.  We boost the economy with our purchases of pet paraphernalia.  It gets us off the couch and taking Rover for a walk.  All of these things aside, perhaps it is much simpler.  Maybe it’s the sheer joy (and sometimes silliness) that dogs exhibit that brightens our days just a little bit more.



Terri Tremblett is a writer, artist, mom and wife who gets paid to manage other people’s money.  She is equally at home walking the beach, digging in the dirt or furthering her quest to bake the perfect brownie, but has not yet mastered the art of walking by a book store without going in.  A former business news columnist who is passionate about wellness and healthy living, Terri is an editorial apprentice at elephant.  She is trying to become a photographer—and discovering there is much to learn.


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