December 31, 2012

On Nudity & Pregnancy. ~ Briohny Smyth

Part two. {For part one from Briohny on the truth about pregnancy.}

You would think that because we wear almost next to nothing in a yoga class, being naked would be one tiny step beyond the tight Lululemon leggings or short black Iyengar shorts we wear to cover our naughty bits.

Photographing yoga asana is already a tough task with clothes on.

We’re trying our best to “achieve” a beautiful and expressive posture that conveys a sense of calm and ease, while maintaining strength. But after one second in handstand in your birthday suit, gravity takes over and a man’s private parts are being pulled to the floor and a woman’s parts are being forced into her neck.

After the initial fear of being naked in front of someone else goes away, it becomes one of the most liberating moments one could ever experience.

Jasper Johal is a pioneer, a humble man and a downright genius when it comes to all things visual.

With a keen sense of what looks appealing to the human eye, he makes art like no other. We had the opportunity to work with Jasper recently, both nude and clothed. Jasper believes the human body is something to be marveled, something to admire. Although every human body is different, every muscle and every line in the best light, in the most naked form is beautiful. Clothing can sometimes cloud or mask the simplicity of the human form in photos.

The naked body is nothing to be ashamed of.

As parents we hope to instill the value in our children that their body is their temple, theirs to honor and respect. Teaching our children to embrace and respect their bodies is important in this day and age with every bit of social media telling our kids how they should look to those around them.

The pregnant female body is nothing short of amazing. Showing our love for one another and our new addition coming soon was the best photo experience we’ve ever had because we were able to shed our clothes and reveal ourselves in our birthday suits.


~ Bri and Dice


Briohny Smyth is best known for her love of Inversions and Arm Balances. She shared her passion with over 4 million viewers in her Equinox videos “The Contortionist” and “The Balancing Act” (filmed with her husband, yoga instructor Dice Iida-Klein) which sparked significant conversation in and around the yoga community. Her dedication to her practice shines through in her signature Fit Flow classes; a blend of fun and invigorating flow and eye opening alignment instruction.

Briohny was a child pop star in Asia with a platinum album by the age of 13. In 1999, after years of anorexia and bulimia, she found yoga in Thailand as a way to practice self-care and begin a journey towards good health. After the birth of her daughter in 2004, she decided to embark on the life long journey of sharing her passion for Yoga. Briohny mentored with Annie Carpenter and Lisa Walford at YogaWorks and is certified 500 E-RYT.

Briohny has shared her journey and story as a contributing writer for Mind Body Green, elephant journal, The Huffington Post, and QBlog. She has graced the cover of Women’s Health Thailand, Yoga Journal Thailand, and LA Yoga.

She currently teaches classes in Los Angeles and travels the world with her husband teaching their signature Fit Flow workshops, retreats and Teacher Trainings.


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Ed: K.B.

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