January 7, 2013

Dance like Nobody’s Watching! (2)

Here’s her first.

This was just posted a few days ago. And it’s at 2 million plus views. Seems we all could use a little smiling and loosening up!

Published on Dec 31, 2012

PLACE: LAX Airport, Los Angeles CA.
PURCHASE THE SONG: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/telephone-single/id382273309
GIRL: Angela Trimbur
WHY: I had a pretty lonely holiday… I didn’t get to go home to see my fam this year & was really bummed, so i went to dance around people who got to do so on their way back from holiday vacay.
LYRIC I LOVE: “You watch me sit outside. You watch me wait and try.”

Damn, she’s good. I’m in love with her bravery and joy:

Published on Apr 10, 2012

PLACE: Galleria Mall, Sherman Oaks, CA.
SONG: CHROMEO- Fancy Footwork
GIRL: Angela Trimbur
LYRIC I LOVE: “Let her see that fancy footwork. Show her that you’re not that shy.”
PURCHASE THE SONG: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/fancy-footwork/id257209363


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