February 28, 2013

One Dance, One Breath, One Love. ~ Whitney Evans

Source: imgfave.com via Lindsee on Pinterest

I knew you when I saw you walk into the room,

a dark heart strangling a brilliant soul.

I saw your deepest hurt worn like a jacket keeping
you dry, buttoned to your throat and clutched tightly closed with a
white knuckled grip.

I thought I could warm you, shake the drops away and unbutton your
fear. As I approached, watching your eyes with every step, your soul
caught sight of my gentle smile. One button, then two.

Light erupted from the small opening and flowed from your slightly
bared skin, translucent with warmth and love. Down your chest and
pooling on the floor, you radiated the space between us, drawing me
close and into the depth of your trusting soul.

The brightness in me was overcome by the depth you hid from even you.
Comforting, welcoming, and whole, your light invited mine to dance.
Delicate, sweet, and pure, you and I touched One. One dance, One
breath, One love.

Fingers intertwined, One fluid and gentle sweep, button three.

Your breath stopped, your eyes widened locked on mine in panic. From
within, I heard your pitched scream then I saw beneath the clutched
grip, the frightened heart full of immense pain and fear, strangling
your brilliant soul.

Three buttons, then two. Two buttons, then one.

Your bowed head and cloaked pain turned towards the door. Over your
shoulder, you looked one last time and caught sight of the jacket I’d
clutched before you walked in the room.

Cautiously but gently, it remains puddled on the floor.

Whitney Evans has immersed herself in spiritual studies since a young age. Through the lenses of Zen Buddhism,  Holotropic Breathwork, Jungian Archetype Psychology and Lakota traditions, she witnesses the wheel of life bump across the cobblestones.  Love is her favorite muse: dirty, messy, amazing, brilliant and gritty love of herself and those who inspire. Her writing reflects beauty found in the deepest of pains, the broadest of smiles and the challenges that arise in between.



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Ed: Lynn Hasselberger

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