March 29, 2013

It’s your Voice.

It’s your voice. Nurture it. Cherish it. Because who knows how long it’ll last. It’s David Grohl’s SXSW keynote, inspiring for parents (and all humans) everywhere.

A short, beautiful, arty succinct-ation of the full video below. It’s your voice:

So Proud to be a Dad. {David Grohl SXSW Full Video}

Long, but worth it.

“I am the musician and I come first. I have to imagine that the reason I’m here today in front of you all is exactly this.

Am I the best drummer in the world? Certainly not. Am I the best singer/songwriter? Not even in this fucking room. But I’ve been left alone to find my voice since that day I heard Edgar Winter’s ‘Frankenstein’…

…As a proud father I pray that someday (my kids) are left to their own devices and that they realize that the musician comes first. And that they find their voice and that they become someone’s Edgar Winter. That they become someone’s Beatles. That they incite a riot or an emotion or start a revolution or save someone’s life. That they become someone’s hero. But then again, what do I know?”

NSFW language:

Dave Grohl giving his Keynote speech at South By Southwest (SXSW) 2013.

And here’s the Bruce Springsteen speech from last year.

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