April 1, 2013

BLM pulls Burning Man’s permit; future in question. {April Fools’ edition}

BLM revokes permit: Endangered Species = Burning Man.

> Breaking < Burners’ exploitation of our natural environment has gone on for too long, BLM says.

Due to past years’ impact on rare condor eggs, as well as the Keystone Pipeline being routed through nearby desert, as well as the natural gas industry’s discovery of vast, frack-able gas below the surface of Black Rock City, Burning Man has been canceled. The official reason given, however, is none of the above—it’s that the BLM is tired of working with “one of the most ecologically-destructive festivals in America.

I called Roger Hickenlooper, environmental activist and younger brother of the once-considered-to-be-environmentally-progressive Colorado Governor, and he spoke frankly. “The US government has tried to encourage Burning Man to become more environmentally-responsible, but they’ve instituted little other than PR-friend, cosmetic changes. It’s a hippie/party/drug festival without a real conscience. The hypocrisy is off the charts.”

For an in-depth look at what Burning Man is actually about, click here.

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