April 25, 2013

Love Letter to Boston, in Words & Photographs. ~ Cara Brostrom

Our bodies, our breaths and the beating of our hearts.

“You said live out loud, and die you said lightly, and over and over again you said be.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

A city is a living organism. A collective of bodies, breaths and heartbeats: beating in rhythm, walking in step, inhaling and exhaling the same air.

Perhaps I am romanticizing my urban Bostonian existence. Or perhaps I just see it more clearly these days.

I’ve been photographing our bodies within the geography of this city for some time now.

And I love this city.

I love the way the sun reflects off the glass skyscrapers into Copley Square in the early mornings.

I love the stone back alleys of Beacon Hill, the weeping willows of Boston Common, the choreographed chaos of driving in this city.

I love the avenues which invite walking not only to get from one place to another, but to linger, pause, stroll and consider.

I love the seeming permanence of colonial buildings that have stood for hundreds of years, now standing amongst their contemporaries; and the impermanence of pilgrim cemeteries and the magnificent changing of the New England seasons.

“Nonbeing can never be; being can never not be. Both these statements are obvious to those who have seen the truth.” ~ Bhagavad Gita 2.16






Cara Brostrom is a photographer, an ashtangi, an adopted Bostonian by way of the Midwest, an amateur geographer, a lover of words and food and walks with no destination. When words are not enough, she picks up her camera. When that is not enough she puts it down and practices being. Just being.  Join her on Twitter and Facebook.


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Ed: Brianna Bemel

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