April 23, 2013

Plastic is Forever.

The most Evil Substance on the Earth?

Waylon on Plastic…for you, your home, your children’s health:

 Update: skip plastic-wrapped goodies in cafés. Here’s why.

BTW: if you do yoga, check this out…and avoid creating plastic waste in our oceans.

Jeff Bridges sums it up well:

Breaking: LEGO Is Investing Millions To Ditch Their Oil-Based Plastics In Search Of Environmentally Friendly Alternative

Did you know: boycott Plastic Corks (cork is the best thing on the planet, here’s why).

Tossing beer bottles. Drinking outta Red Cups. Dropping cigarettes butts. Buying plastic, period.

Don’t do it. Here’s how to avoid it (see infographic).

MIDWAY : trailer : a film by Chris Jordan from Midway on Vimeo.

More from Waylon on the natural products industry:

And the garbage patch, via Vice:

Relephant bonus:

BPA-free isn’t enough:

Frances Moore Lappé:

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