The birds at the feeder feed to their fill, never knowing the hand that provided.
If the feeder is empty, they look to the ground and wherever their Instincts are guided.
They build a nest in a tree nearby and fill it with twigs, leaves and feather.
A place to come and raise their young, a refuge from wind, rain and weather.
Once the young have left the nest, they too leave their home in the tree.
Never holding too tight to the place that theyʼd built, flying season to season and free.
My Beloved and I have lived like the birds, existing from the Hand that provided.
We made our home and raised our young, by the Grace that invisibly guided.
We didnʼt always sense the Hand, or notice it was there, a silent presence within and without, amongst us everywhere.
A Presence that is as close as our breath, we receive It each time we breathe in.
Our exhales release that sweet, loving Touch, over and over again.
Our little birds are grown and gone, they learned to fly near and far.
Like their breath, our love is with them, no matter where they are.
They may not always see us, or notice when weʼre not there, a silent Presence with them, and around them everywhere.
The mother and father birds that we are are learning to fly as a pair.
We huddle close in our cozy nest, in weather rough or fair.
Weʼre thankful for the nest we built, thatʼs served us through many a storm.
Itʼs kept us safe and filled our hearts with memories dear and warm.
Someday we too, will leave the nest, not grasping too tight to a place.
The family we built and the home that we are is so much more than a space.
Like the Hand that provides, our Family is as close as the beat of our heart.
No matter where we fly or land, together or apart.
Melanie Sharp: “Follow Your Heart…It Knows the Way” became my personal mantra when at the age of 49, I started having heart problems. Now 52, I am ever so grateful to my heart for forcing me to slow down to the speed of my own life. I taught elementary school for 20 years and was voted “Teacher of the Year” by my faculty and peers. Prior to that, I established and became Director of the Childrenʼs Ministry at a local church. My greatest accomplishment was raising two amazing children who are now successful, contributing adults. I am presently working with my husband in his Sports Marketing business, “SharpEdgeventures”, teaching yoga part time and revisiting one of my first loves: writing.
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Assistant Ed: Terri Tremblett/Ed: Bryonie Wise
Sharon DeNofa is an award-winning author of Happily Ever NOT receiving the Gold for the…
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