May 22, 2013

In an Interconnected World, it’s “Selfish” (in a Good Way) to Care about Others.

In an Interconnected World, it’s “Selfish” to Care about Others.

My bike is made in Taiwan. My vodka is local, for reals. My pizza is vegan, made locally, but from a hardcore Italian place. My kebab doesn’t exist, but my cell phone is sourced from Africa and China and California. My movies are foreign, as well as American. My tea is…I drink coffee, and it’s from all over the world, fair-trade. My shirt is second-hand, so god knows. My electronics, yup, are Chinese. My numbers, yup, Arabic, letters Latin. I complain that my neighbors are college students and / or rich yuppies…not really–they’re all sweet. I’m pretty well together, all in all, and I love immigrants. We’re a nation of immigrants. The other night my buddy Duzer and I and a local business and all our friends (who biked to the party) raised 1000 plus for Intercambio, which is worth checking out–teaches English and other adaptive skills to immigrants.

Image via Upworthy via “Seismologik Intelligence

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