May 7, 2013

We accept the love we think we deserve. {Video}

If I truly like myself, I can truly love another. If I love myself, others can love me. It’s simple, & it’s hard.

In my life, I’ve had the good fortune to have a mom who loved me and taught me that I was intelligent and deserved to smile and deserved to succeed, if I was willing to work hard and be a good, genuine person. And I’ve had the good fortune to date 99 good, sweet women and one bent, cruel, crazy one. Not a bad average.

And through it all I’ve known that I am only able to date as powerful and sweet and caring and beautiful and independent a woman as I know that I deserve. If I love myself, I can love others. If I love myself, others can love me. It’s that simple, and it’s hard work. ~ ed.

“Why do I and everyone I love pick people who treat us like we’re nothing?” ~ The Perks of being a Wallflower.

Another copy of same scene:


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