June 4, 2013

Why Are There So Many Chemicals In My Body & How’d They Get There?

Photo via Pinterest

This article is a promotion for the film, Unacceptable Levels. We love the film, and are happy to host this for free. We are not a sponsor or partner in any way. ~ ed

Ever wonder about chemicals in your day-to-day life? I have.

What’s in the air I breathe? The water I drink? The food I eat? Even the things I put on my skin?

Ed Brown wondered these same things after his wife suffered two miscarriages (they now have two beautiful children).

But instead of just wondering, he traveled around the country with his video camera to interview top minds in the fields of science, advocacy and law and learned there are unacceptable levels of chemicals in so many things. Including our bodies.

Approximately 200 synthetic industrial chemicals interact with our cells every single day.

His documentary dissects the ways chemicals saturate our homes and environment amid a backdrop of a glaring lack of regulation. It chronicles the results of the post-WWII chemical boom and details common avenues of exposure, from food to fluoride to toxic sludge.

Here’s the trailer for his award-winning debut film, Unacceptable Levels—about the chemicals in our bodies and how they got there.

“You don’t have to take on the world to change it. Just pick one thing in your life. Water, food, regulations – it doesn’t matter. Just pick something. Become curious about it and start asking questions. Find the answers just like I did.

And know that of all the people out there, you finally found someone that can truly make a difference. That person is – and always has been – you.”
~ Ed Brown

Some unacceptable facts gleaned from the film:

  • >> Autism now affects one in 50 children.
  • >> Cancer is the leading cause of death (after accidents) in children younger than 15 years in the United States.
  • >> In the last twenty years, the rates of asthma, allergies and ADHD are on the rise:
    • >> 400% increase in allergies
    • >> 300% increase in asthma
    • >> 400% increase in ADHD
  • >> $1.7 Trillion of the GDP is spent on treating disease every year.

The Chicago premiere is July 24th and Director Ed Brown will be joined by actress/eco-activist Mariel Hemingway, Jennifer Sass (Natural Resources Defense Council), Olga Lyandres, PhD (Alliance for the Great Lakes), Ruth Kerzee, M.P.H. (Midwest Pesticide Action Center).

Click here to purchase tickets.

The Austin premiere is August 3rd.

Connect with Unacceptable Levels on Facebook and twitter @UnacceptableLev.

Please help spread the word about the chemicals in our environment and everyday products.

  1. Follow Unacceptable Levels on Facebook and share their facebook page and this blog post with your friends at least once.
  2. Follow Unacceptable Levels on twitter and tweet this blog post. Be sure to add the hashtag #UnacceptableLevels or #ULFilm
  3. Email this blog and/or the trailer to your family and friends.

Adapted from my blog, I Count for myEARTH.

More about the film.

Debut filmmaker Ed Brown and his camera traveled extensively to find and interview top minds in the fields of science, advocacy, and law.

Weaving their testimonies into a compelling narrative, Brown presents us with the story of how the chemical revolution brought us to where we are, and of where, if we’re not vigilant, it may take us.

Over 80,000 chemicals flow through our system of commerce, and many are going straight into our bodies. Even our unborn children are affected. Babies are being born “pre-polluted.”

Due to this constant exposure, we have approximately 200 synthetic industrial chemicals interacting with our cells every single day. Until recently, modern science really didn’t understand what that could mean for all of us in the long run, but that is changing.

To explore different facets of common chemical exposure, Unacceptable Levels, was made in consultation with experts in multiple fields—including Ralph Nadar and Dr. Alan Green—and is guided by a father on a personal journey as he attempts to bring these issues to light for everyone. Its primary goal? To determine whether we can prevent disease before it strikes us.

This award-winning documentary film brings together 47 non-profit organizations and 91 companies to support the overwhelming need for chemical reform in the United States. Unacceptable Levels opens the door to conversations about the chemical burden our bodies carry so that we can make informed decisions now and in the future. The film poses challenges to our companies, our government, and our society to do something about a nearly-unseen threat with the inspired knowledge that small changes can generate a massive impact.

What others are saying about the film…

“Unacceptable Levels is a hugely important film… Sadly, most Americans are misinformed or not informed at all about how many toxic chemicals we are being exposed to 24 hours a day. These toxins are making us sick and quite simply our lives are being threatened. We need to stand up and speak out. We must demand a healthy environment for ourselves and for our children. Unacceptable Levels poignantly reveals how chemicals have invaded our lives.”

Mariel Hemingway
Actress, Author, Healthy Living Advocate

“This movie makes it impossible to hide behind the numbers. It not only changes the way that you look at the world, but the way that we look at ourselves.”

Randy Hayes
Founder, Rainforest Action Network

“Unacceptable Levels is Powerful. It tells the story of toxic chemicals in just about every aspect of our lives, and the egregious lack of regulation. Our ability to protect our families is at stake.”

Joan Blades
Co-founder of MomsRising.org and MoveOn.org

“This movie lives the Healthy Child motto: No one can do everything, everyone can do something. Ed Brown has done something by creating an amazing, powerful experience that moves all of us to realize how important it is to know how our system works and what we can do to fix it.”

Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff
Former Executive Director/CEO Healthy Child, Healthy World

“This film is a huge eye-opener! Once a parent sees this, they thankfully won’t ever approach their child’s health & future the same way ever again!”

Jessica Capshaw Gavigan
Environmental Advocate and Actress

“With this remarkably important film, Ed Brown captures the seamy side of the chemical revolution and forces us to confront the need to make the future safer than the past.”

Dr. Devra Lee Davis, M.P.H., Ph.D.
Founder and President of the Environmental Health Trust,  author of “Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation”

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