July 13, 2013

The Christian Libertarian who’s the Hero of Liberals Everywhere.

Joel Salatin, my hero, on How to Save the World.

How to Save the World? “Do.” ~ Farmer Joel Salatin

I was just at Wanderlust Festival, where I was teaching meditation, leading meditation hikes, seeing amazing and inspiring friends and enjoying a mindful, eco-responsible community. The highlight of the whole thing? This man. He came in and gave a talk at the end of the festival, when many folks had already left—and it was sold out, riveting, funny, charming, with multiple standing ovations. This man described how to connect up food systems in a simple, exciting, common-sense way that would make for what we like to call “enlightened society.”

This quote is as Buddhist, or non-theistic, of a message as I’ve ever read. instead of indulging in conspiracy theories and mindless entertainment, complaint and rancor, we can get up, stand up, do. And celebrate doing a new world:


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