August 26, 2013

Best Blog Ever. {Photos}

Dancers among Us, a tribute to the extraordinary within our everyday. A New York Times best-selling book by Jordan Matter.

The book and 2014 wall calendar are available at Jordan Matter’s website.

We all get stuck. And imagination, playfulness, art, dance, humor, truth—that’s what get us unstuck.

And that’s what Jordan’s photo series, here, is fundamentally about:

“I first came up with the idea for ‘Dancers Among Us’ as I was watching my son play with this toy bus. I was inspired by his passion for his fantasy, and I wondered why we lose that innocence as we grow into adulthood. I wanted to create photographs to show a world as if seen through the eyes of a child —a world where everyday moments are beautiful, a world that makes the ordinary extraordinary.”

Album: (be sure to click full screen, top right)

Bonus: Video:

For more amazing photos, get the book or 2014 wall calendar via Jordan Matter’s website, and check out the beautiful blog via our friends over at MNN (where I first heard of Jordan’s amazing work).

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