August 28, 2013

Could Toxins be Affecting your Weight Loss? ~ Melissa Schollaert

Over half of the people that come to me want to lose weight.

They are often almost desperate to lose weight. Every once in a while, we’ve come across a case in which it is extremely challenging to get the needle to move for the client. That’s when we research, research and then do some more research. Here’s what we found.

Let’s be very clear first, we always steer clear of quick fixes, even if that’s what our client is looking for. In the long run, this leads to more deficiencies, imbalances and damage. We find when we “clean up” the body and implement a positive lifestyle, the body follows suit. Hormones can often balance themselves and the weight just falls off. This cleaning up is often through first detoxifying the system.

Why must we often detox with clients?

Well, now it’s time to talk toxins, friends. Toxin is a broad term, covering both toxins created from normal bodily functions and from outside sources.

Think pesticides, industrial chemicals, mercury, personal care products, and the list goes on. The body is designed to eliminate toxins through our skin, kidneys and liver, but modern times have exposed us to many more toxins than we were built to deal with—leading to overburdened organs, illness and weight gain.

So how do these toxins affect weight loss efforts? When toxins enter the body, they’re stored in our fat cells. Remember, fat cells are used to help protect vital organs. Yikes, scary these toxins are living in the same neighborhood as our precious organs! This could also be part of the belly fat danger.

In a study titled “Energy Balance and Pollution by Organochlorines and Polychlorinated Biphenyls,” published in Obesity Review in 2003, researchers concluded that pesticides and P.C.B.’s (these come from industrial pollution) poison our metabolism when they are released from stored fat tissue. What this means is when we start losing weight and dissolving body fat, toxins are released into the system negatively affecting metabolism.

Dr. Mark Hyman found that over 63 studies have explored the link between chemical toxins and obesity. Researchers found toxins, P.C.B.’s and pesticides all affected metabolism, including stressing the liver, disrupting the thyroid, disrupting hormones, and damaging mitochondria (the power house of our cells, so damage would lead to decreased energy).

We know when the thyroid is affected, all things related to mood, mind, sleep and metabolism become difficult. We also now know that the pesky toxins may affect leptin, the hormone that tells us we’re full. That said, no wonder losing weight and keeping it off can be such a challenge.

Now that you’ve had the science, is it safer to keep the fat? Of course not!

I’ve compiled a quick list to send those toxins packing!

1) Switch to one new natural product a week or month. Eat organic (especially meat, milk and eggs—those animals are pumped full of nasty junk!), filter water, open windows, keep at least one plant in each room and start taking stock in household cleaners and your personal care products.

2) Sweat most days of the week. This will help clear the body of toxins and metals. Use a sauna if you have to.

3) Proper elimination is essential—no, it’s not normal or okay to go once every couple of days! The body has to eliminate wastes each and every day without fail.

4) Eat a healthy, whole food diet and drink plenty of filtered water.

5) Take a whole food vitamin. Not to cover poor nutrition, but to keep the body running on all cylinders since we live in such a toxic world.

Check out more information on why to detox, and how to prep for your detox.

Have you been trying to lose weight? I’d love to hear your experience! Please comment below.


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Asst. Ed.: Moira Madden / Ed: Catherine Monkman

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Melissa Schollaert