August 31, 2013

Jai, Ganesha: Here’s to New Beginnings.

…he unlocks the door to the sacred core
and he guards the gate at the pelvic floor
the benevolent elephant wise and intelligent
at the base of the spine he’s the earth element
he’s the ruler of the muladhara chakra

~ MC Yogi, Ganesh is Fresh

In today’s global village, you don’t have to be Hindu to worship Ganesh, the elephant god. He is known as the remover of obstacles, a deity of prosperity and the lord of new beginnings.

When I first met my future life partner, I spotted a small wooden Ganesh statue on the night table of the house he was house-sitting. I figured it belonged to the home owner; but, when Ganesh popped up again at the next place he lived, I knew our relationship was meant to be. (I mean, it’s not every day you find a smart, sweet, creative, attractive Ganesh-owner—from Colombia, no less!)

If you’re into chanting, the Sanskrit mantra to Ganesh is mantra is “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha,” which is loosely translated into modern American English as “Hey! Wake up the root chakra energy of transformation and move through obstacles. Yay!”

I am a semi-obsessive collector of catchy and inspiring quotes. One of my all-time favorites is from the Buddha:

“Each day we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

These are beautiful words to live by, and they are definitely in the spirit of Ganesh.

The Buddhist concept of “Beginner’s Mind” also jives well with the message of Ganesh (who is often referred to as Ganesha, as well). Zen teacher Suzuki Roshi’s book, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, talks about how the beginner is open-minded whereas the expert is often just the opposite. No matter how much experience we have accumulated, how many hours of yoga training or meditation, there is great benefit to maintaining the open, innocent and enthusiastic qualities of novice.

So, when you’re in need overcoming obstacles, finding a fresh start and tuning into abundance, meditate on Ganesh.

Here’s to new, obstacle free beginnings in September and beyond!

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Ed: Sara Crolick

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