August 6, 2013

You Cannot Fight What You Cannot See. ~ Edith Lazenby

Photo: luisVilanova

What do you fight for?

We fight for love and what we think is true. We fight for our families and we fight to keep our hope and hearts alive.

How do we fight the demons we feel and cannot see? How do we fight for a life we want but don’t know what it looks like?

Now in my yoga training I’d say don’t fight, anything. I suggest going with the flow, moving with what moves, embracing the light and the dark. Sometimes though, there is no flow.

Sometimes we feel boxed in by life and love and feelings and the only light we know is what we see in the shadows.

One man who filled me with light through hypnotherapy and visualization said even in the darkest room there is light: the light in the heart.

But when the heart hurts beyond being able to feel the light, then what? When we feel darkness in the sunniest days how do move through it? How do we move beyond those forces we feel and cannot see or name?

I know what I do. I pray. I look at the bracelet I bought as a reminder and the words there: “Wonder, Dream, Believe, Reflect, Wish, Imagine.”

I embrace the wonder of the sun and the darkness of the moon. I dream of a place in my heart that loves no matter what. I believe in the goodness of others. I reflect on the promise in every moment. I wish for love for those I love and those I don’t know and I imagine a space where we can let go of fighting what we cannot see and name the nameless.

Fear pops up. For if we cannot name what we cannot see and cannot see what we cannot fight, is there something here or there that has a face we cannot face.

We all live with fear. I know a hand to the heart soothes; I know hugs always help. I know love heals but I know most of us are like preschoolers when it comes to love.

We try but our hearts are clouded because our best teachers who did their best did not know how to love themselves. And so, our parents loved the only way they knew how….and often, more often than not, it was incomplete.

Hence we struggle against the nameless, the faceless, the demons who live in the shadows and dance in the light. We struggle to live a life of love yet there are times known as the dark night of the soul that we all visit at one time or another and in that darkness we do fight what we cannot see.

With a bit of love and lots of grace though, we find the next day, some day. We do surrender and embrace the nameless.

We face the many faces of fear and the masks fall off and we can stand again in the light with wonder to dream and believe as we reflect and wish enough to imagine again a life where we don’t have to fight.




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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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