September 8, 2013

Chakra of the Month: September (Sacral Chakra).

The second chakra, also known as the sacral center, is this month’s energy center.

The sacral chakra is all about sex and everything related to it: desire, attraction, orgasm, conception, gestation, birth, and the like. In one word: creation.

When you feel either frigid and out of touch with your own sensuality and sexuality or hypersexual and addicted to “falling in love”, that’s your rusty second chakra signaling that it is out of alignment. On the other hand, feeling confident, desirable, and 100% worthy of love and devotion signifies that your marigold orange sacral chakra is radiating with good energy and shining like the sun.

Sex is such a fascinating and ubiquitous topic. Why?

Sex sells.

Sex is taboo. Sex is powerful. Sex is a secret. Sexual slavery is a terrible reality in our society. Sex is on TV. Pornography is a billion dollar industry.

Other than misinformation from older but not-wiser schoolgirls, I first learned about sexuality through books. At age 12, I found two very interesting books on the game room bookshelf, a human sexuality textbook from my parents’ college days, and a red hardback called The Hite Report, which had no pictures but plenty of graphic descriptions of everything from masturbation to intercourse in the form of survey responses from a wide variety of American women in the 1970s.

I intentionally lost my virginity (gave it away) in college, just because saving it was not cool. I had a lot of sex, some good, some bad, in my twenties. Sex taught me many tough lessons.

I had almost no sex the first year that I lived in Guatemala, and I was pretty bitter about it. I had a lot of baggage built up around sex: what it meant and how I related to it.

I had to learn to respect the power of sex.

When I got pregnant in 2012, it was a huge surprise. Maybe my second chakra had healed enough to be able to receive and conceive an embryo. Now, I’m the mother of an eight-month-old and my life has changed and is expanding in so many unexpected ways.

A good friend of mine is currently struggling to get pregnant and using medical interventions to (hopefully) conceive.

She happens to also be a schoolteacher and is currently in a yoga teacher training program on the weekends. During this intense, emotional time, no matter what the outcome, she can benefit from meditating on and healing her second chakra.

To learn more about your second chakra and the other six main chakra points, check out these free relephant resources.

This is part two of a seven-part, seven-month series, Chakra of the Month! Read part one here.


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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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