December 5, 2013

Take a Seat & Make a Friend. {Video}

My mother always says “If you have even just one friend then you are doing alright.”

I wholeheartedly agree. Last year, my family and I moved to Maine from Colorado. It was the biggest of moves—my whole life shifted 3,000 miles and my husband, children and I did not know anyone or have any family within a three hour radius.

I had to start anew.

I had to put myself out there and make some friends.

It was terrifying.

And lonely.

In the end, I did it. We did it. I made some friends. I have a tribe and we, as a family, are connected to a community. And you know what? It wasn’t so bad.

It was mostly easy. With just a little bit of effort and a little bit of curiosity we managed.

It was a little bit like this video that shows you how easy making a friend can be.

So the next time you are searching for “even just one friend” remember to break down the walls and start connecting.

Friends are just strangers we haven’t met yet.


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Editor: Bryonie Wise

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