January 18, 2014

“Diane Keaton at the Golden Globes v. Diane Keaton in the L’Oreal commercial that aired during the Golden Globes.”

Deception, by l’Oreal!

“Diane Keaton at the Golden Globes compared to Diane Keaton in the L’Oreal commercial that aired during the Golden Globes.” (2 Photos)

“It’s okay to look 50! You don’t need plastic surgery. Would you rather look like a 50 year old woman or a 50 year lizard?” ~ Bill Burr

“Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.” ~ Mark Twain

Props and kudos to Diane for aging gracefully—she’s nearly 70. Rather than go for ridiculous cosmetic surgeries a la, say, Joan Rivers, she’s continuing to take leading roles, even romantic ones, without seeking to avoid looking her age.

Wish we could say the same of the deceptive, even destructive advertising campaign she’s chosen to work with.

Beautiful, human reality vs. Deceptive, fake salesmanship:


Great discussion via Reddit:

….I think the issue is with lying to people in order to sell snake oil. No skin product will accomplish what photoshop will. And that’s fine, just don’t lie about it to rip off a bunch of people who are already insecure about their age and looks. I understand it’s common, but that still doesn’t make it right…

…Also, it’s this same bullshit tactic that makes us insecure about our ages and looks. It’s a vicious cycle.

….Sounds like a profitable cycle, thus unlikely to change.



17 Quotes & 1 Video: Happy Old Age.

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