January 16, 2014

“I hate Celebrity Culture.” Prince Joffrey

Jack Gleeson’s (King Joffrey from Game of Thrones) essay “I Hate Celebrity Culture”(video)

Some of us want to be famous, some of us don’t want to be famous but become famous, and many of us worship, to one degree or another, those who are famous. Why? What’s going on here? Some of it is healthy—I’m reminded of my watching of Paul Newman in Hud or Cool Hand Luke or Robert Redford in The Candidate—those gentlemen did just as much as my father, in a sense, to show me how to be a man.

But much of it brings out the worst in those we idolize, in ourselves, and in our society.

“I’m glad he did this speech. I was captivated and I wish he wasn’t so self deprecating about it and he hadn’t skipped over parts out of embarrassment or whatever that was…”

“That self deprecation is very Irish, it doesn’t cross borders very well but it’s just part of our culture. It’s about looking humble really and not sounding “up yourself”, rather than actually being genuine self deprecation.” [for more: Reddit]

Relephant celebrity silliness bonus:

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