February 15, 2014

Exactly how Exercising turns on our Happiness. {Infographic}


“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.”

~ Plato

It’s no surprise that exercising is good for us. But can it really make us happy?

In my experience, exercise has made me happy-er than I would be otherwise. I feel like a million bucks after a good run or a yoga class and get downright cranky when something like sickness or an unexpected event gets in my way.

Scientifically speaking, exercise creates chemical responses in the brain, which lead to both temporary and long term mental health benefits. It’s a bit of a no-brainer, right?

This infographic illustrates how it all works…

The Happiness Effect: How Exercise Makes You Happy

Does exercising make you happy? Please share you experience in the comments section!


Relephant Reads:

Is Exercise Unhealthy? 

Is Too Much Exercise Keeping You From Losing Weight? 

Forget the Gym! Here’s Exercise That’s Actually Practical. {Video}


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Editor: Bryonie Wise

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