Okay, these photos might not change your life, but they will wake up your present moment, and that’s what life is made up of.
And they may not be unforgettable, but the notion that there is an infinity of amazing-ness in our universe, world, society and nature is profound, and exciting, and inspiring for those days when it’s all we can do to get off the couch and out of the house.
Enjoy. I did.
All photos via (i.imgur.com)
Sunrise over Myanmar.
A Canadian Bus Stop that promotes health, happiness and humor:
“My new profile pic, courtesy of Hurricane Sandy.”
“Winter in Krakow.”
This happens more and more, in Colorado. “Great photo of the Colorado Fire smoke, taken by accident by my stepfather showing not only the hell he is driving towards, but the untouched sky he is leaving.”
“The difference 39 years can make.”
“I took this photo with my telescope. Over 38 hours exposure time went into it.”
You may have seen this one, and other equally amazing, here:
40 Historic Photos that still open our Eyes.

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