March 8, 2014

Artemis: Worth Worshipping. ~ Yaisa Nio {Video}


It’s International Women’s Day.

Not being an adherent of any particular kind of religion—especially not the ones that suppress human rights, prohibit choosing over your own life and body, give rise to fear, threaten with eternal damnation, cause segregation and generally brainwash all susceptible individuals—I do admire gods and goddesses portrayed in various religions or life philosophies that exude humanity, are full of contradicting behaviours and emotions we can all relate to.

I particularly like the tough women goddesses. Those that are not afraid to fight, take care of themselves, express their emotions by unleashing wind and fire and are ready to conquer the world.

Artemis is one of those: fearless yet caring, huntress yet midwife, admired by many men yet always a virgin, twin to Apollo yet with her own strong identity. The Romans know her as Diana. I think she’s cool.

Who needs a day dedicated to. For her, every day is her day.

Artemis would laugh at International Women’s day.


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Editor: Bryonie Wise

Photo: Flickr / Eden Pictures

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