March 10, 2014

Three Common Labels & What they Actually Mean.

nongmo This label is great—we don’t want GMOs, right? Right. But it doesn’t mean that what you’re about to eat hasn’t been grown conventionally, sprayed by pesticides all its little long life. It probably has. Go organic: a label we can trust pretty darn well, still.

Still, we like this one. Here’s why. Video: Waylon talks with the Non-GMO Project: Leading the Fight against Monsanto.


Recycle, reuseThe famous and much-loved Recycle symbol, symbol of the “green” movement, is not regulated and means nothing. You know how packaging has this symbol, but you read the fine print and it suggests that you recycle it, but not that the product or packaging is recycled? And how, often, you can’t recycle it easily or even possibly anywhere? So again: this symbol is not regulated and means nothing. You could slap it on a car, a basketball, clothing…it means nothing.


all natural integrity ben jerry's ice cream

Along with “fresh,” “local,” “direct trade,” “green,” “biodegradable,” “sustainable”…”natural” means nothing, because it’s not defined.

silk soy organic natural whole foods gmo


Remember: the difference between real and PR is vital, and helps identify those great businesses that are truly responsible and worth supporting.


Please recycle this blog: Recycle


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