March 8, 2014

“When I was 9 years old, Star Trek came on…” ~ Whoopi Goldberg

star trek equal rights tv media

“And Whoopi was kind enough to return the favor as Guinan years later. Such a wonderful character.” [Source of quotes]

Re: Uhuru: “She also had the first on screen interracial kiss with William Shatner…Bill also intentionally messed up all other, less explicit takes, in order to force the kiss to be aired on TV: Interview.)

Also: “MLK Jr. asked to meet her one day. During this meeting Nichelle told him she planned on leaving the show because she was just a communications officer and did not do much. He emphasized to her how important it was to have a colored person on the bridge as an officer, even if it was just in a communications role. That convinced her to stay on the show.”

Funny, I was just listening to Neil DeGrasse Tyson interview her on StarTalk. Highly compelling podcast, gave me the feels many times. http://www.startalkradio.net/neil-communicates-with-star-treks-nichelle-nichols-part-1/Direct link to the audio for the lazy.


For more, the social impact of Star Trek:

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