April 23, 2014

Contemplate Conscious Consumerism Today.



Hate advertising? Don’t worry, you’re not alone and you just may delight in this completely fake, yet brilliant, advertisement.

We all know that we are influenced by advertising or companies that spend billions to promote their products. It only makes sense that they are making multiples back on each and every dollar that they have spent to suck us into whatever it was that they were pitching. It takes one savvy consumer to see through the crap that we are being spoon-fed by the major corporations.

Here, one incredible writer, Kendra Eash, had her words put to the original “This is a Generic Brand Video”, originally published by McSweeney’s. The resulting advertisement for nothing debunks the pretty pictures and false illusions that are being input into our brains every time we watch television, read a magazine, or look at the side of a bus. Yes, advertising seems to be everywhere these days—trying to sneak subliminal values and messages about companies and their products into our fragile psyches.

This non-brand commercial will open your eyes while possibly making you feel a bit queasy if you have ever cried over one of those Hallmark commercials or Coke songs with visuals that not-so-magically seem to unite the whole world in less than a minute or two.

Take a peek and see for yourself if you have ever been manipulated by a clip like this—and then share it with a child for good measure:



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Editor: Jenna Penielle Lyons

Photo: Wikimedia Commons 

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