April 5, 2014

Softly Whispered, Never Spoken, Yet Forever Known.

Photo: Jesadaphorn Chaiinkaew on Pixoto.

Softly whispered, never spoken, yet forever known.

That’s true love.

That’s pure honesty at its best, a truth you know in your heart not in the words spoken, but in the words unspoken. A truth you feel not just in every cell of your existence, but in every space between.

Come, dance with me there and lean to my ear as you whimper tender mercies of a body living its soul’s demand.

“I love you.”

I can see it in the pools of her eyes. Something deep within me, beyond what she can see, feels something deep within her, beyond what I can see.

There’s a truth there, subtle explosions of a new reality composed in a natural order like some great, perfect symphony. Unseen power flows through subtle reminders of its presence. In the raised bumps of our skin, we are reminded. In the natural flow of words and in the wispy trails of discovery, we are reminded. In the rising tide of our arousal we are reminded, and in the promise of things to come we lose ourselves to a truth we have surrendered to.

You can feel those moments when the puzzle pieces snap together, when the stars align and the heavens call your name.

You can sense when one foot wants to fall in front of the other, when the emptying hourglass gives way to something beautiful, undeniable, and somewhat insane. There, in those orderly storms we find in the place where Yin meets Yang, you know. The soul knows. It always knows.

To which song we choose to dance is anyone’s guess. Yet, the moment is here, and now, and ours for the taking.

Which notes we choose are ours to select, and to which fate this moment bears is within our dreams to hold. There is no tomorrow; there is no past.

For lovers born there is only the moment and the lyrics softly whispered, never spoken, yet forever known.


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Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Pixoto

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