May 3, 2014

“The Cuddle Sutra” & the Benefits of Touch Therapy.

The Benefits of Touch Therapy

“Do you find yourself depressed at times? Do you ever feel lonely and wish that you could just talk to someone that would genuinely listen? Do you find yourself suffering from stress, anxiety, or sleep loss? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are not alone. Many people lack the companionship they want in their everyday life.

It has been found that people, especially in the United States, have higher rates of depression and aggression compared to most other countries. This could be due to our fast-paced lifestyles, or our mentality of constantly telling ourselves that we just don’t have time. We seem to forget that in order to boost our own morale we need to make time for human interaction.

Studies have shown that the lack of human touch is an enormous factor towards causing depression. Platonic human touch releases oxytocin (chemical in our brains), which is why touch therapy and professional cuddling services have been so successful. Oxytocin has a major role in lowering blood pressure, lowering stress levels, reducing social anxiety, helping to relieve pain, and protecting against inflammation, which is said to make us age faster! Snuggling is an extremely important part of life that is considerably undervalued. It helps us grow mentally and physically because of the chemical changes it causes in the body.

Human beings thrive on contact. The Snuggle Buddies, an alternative therapy company specializing in professional snuggling, was created with the sole purpose to help relieve everyday stress, depression, and anxiety by the simple act of human interaction. Whether it’s through cuddling, or conversing, we feel that all individuals deserve to experience happiness.

Below is a comprehensive list of the benefits that occur from snuggling, which are caused by its ability to release oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, and inhibit cortisol.”

List of Benefits

  • Decreased stress and increased relaxation
  • Lessened depression
  • Lessened anxiety and social anxiety
  • Improved social skills
  • Improved self-esteem Improved sleep
  • Lowered blood pressure and heart rate
  • Reduced risk of heart disease
  • Improved immune system and faster recovery
  • Protection against inflammation and oxidative stress
  • Pain relief and raised pain threshold
  • Reduced drug cravings
  • Lessened PTSD

 cuddle snuggle


Relephant reads:

21 “Non-Spiritual” Things that make us Happy.

5 Ways to Make a Woman Feel Really Loved.

Oxytocin: why Women can’t have Affairs.

Another bonus:

Orphaned walruses cared for at Alaska SeaLife Center from anchoragedailynews on Vimeo.

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