May 3, 2014

Truth Is like Medicine. ~ Ben Ralston {Poem}


Truth is like medicine

Hard to swallow


So many of us

Spend our lives

Putting out fires


Truth is like medicine


When it’s real

It’s wholesome

When it’s false

It’s poison


And so many people

Want to convince

Us that the real is false

And the false is real


In the last century

They made an industry

Out of selling lies

Prettily packaged

In our own desires

And insecurity


We sold our souls

And now they offer

to give them back

In return for clicks…

Empty lists

And positivity


Truth is like medicine


There’s not much good stuff around

You have to dig deep

And then what you find

Is that it’s either your own

Or it’s not that good for you


Make your own medicine my friend.


Or You may end up

Choking on

The truth.


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Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: courtesy of the author

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