July 24, 2014

This is the easiest thing you can do to help save lives.

organ donation

Photo: Chinese doctors bowing down to a 11 year old boy diagnosed with brain cancer who managed to save several lives by donating his organs to the hospital he was being treated in shortly before his death. (i.imgur.com)

The easiest thing you can do to help save lives.

  • The only 11-year-old primary school student Liang Yaoyi from Shenzhen suffered from a brain tumour and shortly before his death, he decided to donate his kidneys and liver.
  • If he could only survive, he would become a doctor, and cure everybody’s illnesses.
  • Photo is of after the operation was completed, when doctors pushed his body out of the operating room, and bowed to Yaoyi and his mother three times. At this moment, his mother covered her face, and cried bitterly.

More info about this boy.

Comments via Reddit. “As a Chinese dude let me tell you that… every family has 1 child. They dote upon them, that child is everything to them. Every ounce of pride goes into that child. Outwardly they act harsh, they push their children, they are the tiger mothers and stern fathers but behind that exterior they are beyond proud of their son or daughter. They are only allowed one child and losing that child… it is crushing. That family might never recover. They might be too old or the government won’t let them have another.

I’m overseas right now and I have a family friend letting me live with them. For this help my mom literally spent hundreds if not thousands in gifts in thanks for helping her son. Just the other day my mom shipped like 5-10 lbs of high quality ginseng to this family in thanks. Helping out a child is a debt a family will not be able to repay for years.

So imagine losing your child in that society. :/ Not just a motherly pain but the pain of losing your entire house and all the pride you had in your little boy.”


What’s worse than burying a million dollars?

I like this story too. Guy plans to bury his million dollar Bentley for the afterlife and everyone goes crazy! Then it turns out to be a big publicity stunt.

Moments before lowering the car in the ground he revealed his genuine motive: To create awareness for organ donation.

“People condemn me because I wanted to bury a million dollar Bentley, in fact most people bury something a lot more valuable than my car,” Scarpa said during a speech at the ceremony. “They bury hearts, livers, lungs, eyes, kidneys. This is absurd. So many people waiting for a transplant and you will bury your healthy organs that will save so many lives.”



NPR had a piece (maybe a year ago) about a US state where they instituted a program in which they merely [edit: verbally] asked people when they were getting their driver’s licenses if they would like to be organ donors. The number of organ donors skyrocketed just because people were asked.

Edit: Found it.

In 2010 Michigan had 320 thousand new organ donors. In 2012, the first full year the DMV clerks were asking, there were 520 thousand new organ donors in Michigan. Most signed up because a DMV clerk asked them to.

More than three million people are now on Michigan’s organ donor registry. It took 16 years to register 2 million of those people. The DMV clerks did the rest in just the last few years.




The Art of Mindful Dying

Heal your Organs with Fruits & Veggies 

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