August 27, 2014

Fitness Habits to Establish in our 20s. ~ Michael Nash

woman running

When we’re in our 20s, life is exciting and so much is going on around us.

It might be difficult to get focused on things like fitness and health, but this is a crucial time in our lives. Establishing good fitness and nutritional habits at this stage will help to ensure a healthier life in the long run.

Being active helps to release endorphins which are feel good hormones for the body so staying fit is a great way to ensure a positive frame of mind.

The below image examines just what the habits are that we should be implementing in our 20s in order to assist longevity.

These habits are quite simple, they will not require much extra exertion and in the long run will be beneficial to our fitness regime and in turn our bodies. The image also suggests foods that we should try to intake at this stage of our lives and it also documents the reasons why establishing all these habits is important to the body.


Fitness Habits to Establish Infographic


Infographic courtesy of My Fitness Boutique.


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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Author’s Own, DeMayne Earvin at Pixoto

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