August 25, 2014

Jyotish New Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual

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New Moon Wisdom

Theme for the coming waxing cycle: Be bold in your actions and let your ancestral legacy remind you of what is important for your actions and intentions.

New Moon is on Monday, August 25th at 09:12 am CDT in Leo and Magha nakshatra. Moon is conjunct Sun (also in Magha) and Mercury, also in Leo.

Magha nakshatra is ruled by Ketu, the southern lunar node responsible for restructuring and cutting attachments. The deity that presides over Magha is Pitr, who is connected to the ancestors, lineage and karma.

There is authority here and sometimes ego and arrogance can arise if not checked with awareness. We are affected by seven generations before us, and we affect the seven generations to come.

It is an important part of Magha, to be conscious and aware of these effects, how our ancestors and lineage play into our own life experience and what the fate of our lineage will be as a result of our own actions. Magha and Pitr are reminders to create powerful and effective karmas that leave lasting, positive results for generations to come. We may ask ourselves during Magha what our legacy is and what actions we need to take in order to create a strong legacy.

This new Moon gets sparks of imagination and can fuel our desires for future actions. Let intention be a strong guiding force in the coming weeks and listen intently to your solar power, your gut instincts and your inner light. Get creative, get bold, and take strong action steps towards your desires. What are the big goals you are moving towards and what actions need to happen in order to make this happen?

With Sun in its own Sign right now, we can all make some hay while the Sun shines and get some lasting results because of it. Get ambitious, think big and shine your light. Your efforts will pay off- especially if they please the ancestors.

Use the coming weeks of the waxing Moon to take action (karma) and align more intentionally with your ancestral legacy. Ask the ancestors to help you affirm your path and offer their insights and wisdom to you. Pay attention for clues, omens and metaphors that arrive. Acknowledge the gifts they may offer you. Give gratitude and blessings for their assistance and the awareness they bring.

New Moon Creative Ritual for the Waxing Moon Cycle

We start with an empty cup, the Moon completely empty of the Sun’s light. This time of inward introspection can offer gentle insights and intuitive guidance, so be still in order to catch the subtle wisdom coming to you. As the Moon slowly gains light and expands, so does the swelling of our hearts, minds and actions.

For this Creative Ritual, we will use the prompting of Pitr to inspire us.

Draw three circles on a large piece of paper. Label each one of your circles as past, present and future. Within each circle create an image using color, texture, shape and images that express your experience of past, present and future.

Give each circle a title to capture the felt sense of the image. Then answer these baseline statements:

I am____
I want____
I need____

Harvesting Questions:

What is one part of your lineage that you can honor, respect and give gratitude for? How has your ancestral line influenced your life experience? What am I doing the same as my family system? What am I doing differently? What do I wish to create for my self and my life as I move forward?

Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me.

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Editor: Travis May

Photo: elephant archives

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