August 5, 2014

Keep Cool This Summer with Kids Yogaverse’s 4 Bs. ~ Rachel Glowacki

little girl child jumping play action movement exercise health play focus

Keep cool this summer with kid-friendly yoga activities!

In yoga there is no competition. One of my favorite sayings is—Practice makes progress, not perfection.

Yoga encourages children to learn and listen to their bodies because it requires connecting the whole self or in child language. The 4 B’s: breath, brain, body and balance.

Through a yoga practice or play, children become more aware of the body and the way it feels. The body becomes stronger and more flexible in the process. The brain begins to focus on the body’s movements and how those movements make it feel. The breath becomes slow, calm and steady.

Children of any age can learn to make connections between the four B’s and incorporate them into their daily lives.


Guess What? Your breath is free and it’s always with you!

On those hot summer days try the “Cooling Breath.” Curl your tongue into a U shape as you inhale through the curled tongue and exhale through the nose with your mouth closed. Feel the cool air swirling around.

If those lovely genes of yours are limited in tongue curling, purse your lips like you are sipping through a straw and feel the cool air go down and around!

The benefits of the “Cooling Breath” help lower body temperature on hot days, lower fevers, ease anxiety and aid in digestion! So if you are hot or ate too much ice cream, try the “Cooling Breath,” and allow this breath to cool you down.

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Guess What? Our thoughts shape our world.

Change your thoughts and you change your world. ~ Norman Vincent Peale.

As our children are out of school this summer and need to practice writing, here is a great exercise that will help them improve focus, concentration and imagination!

Guide them to close their eyes and take three cooling breaths. Ask them to imagine their most peaceful place, what they see, what they hear, what they feel, what they taste and what they know to be true in this place. Wait 15-30 seconds between each question.

Tell them to keep all those amazing things that they saw, heard, felt and tasted in their minds as they open their eyes and to start writing or typing. My 8-year-old son Liam typed this:

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Guess What? When we learn to love and take care of our bodies, it gives us the energy we need to serve and love others as well.

As the summer is filled with play dates, why not play some yoga. Strengthen your legs, arms and back while your friend does the same in “Warrior Friends.” Breathe in and out together—“We are warrior friends!”

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Guess What? Balance helps you feel grounded and confident.

Soar through the rest of your summer in Airplane Pose! As you fly to your peaceful place you are building up strength and balance. Breathe in and out: I am soaring!

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Editor: Emily Bartran

Photos: Flickr; Author’s Own

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Rachel Glowacki