October 16, 2014

6 Ways to Ditch Poverty Mentality.

Monica Bourgeau

Creating abundance by overcoming a scarcity mindset.

Having abundance in our lives starts with creating an abundance mindset.

“Abundance is about being rich, with or without money.”

~ Suze Orman

I’ve found myself saying, I don’t have enough time, I don’t have enough money or I don’t have enough love, enough friendship, enough knowledge, enough energy—enough you name it.

Usually I tell myself I don’t have enough time. I never seem to have enough of it.

But, lately I’ve been reminding myself that I do have enough time.

I just need to slow down and breathe.

Any time we focus on scarcity, lack or limitation we lose focus on our own abundance and it actually makes the situation worse instead of better.

Stephen Covey coined the term scarcity mentality for this principle in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

“People with a scarcity mentality tend to see everything in terms of win-lose. There is only so much; and if someone else has it, that means there will be less for me.” ~ Stephen Covey

A scarcity mindset can cause feelings of fear, anger, resentment, jealousy and depression. It can also cause us to contract and go inside ourselves.

When we are contracted, solutions feel impossible and we may lack the creativity to see possibilities.

Not a fun place to be.

The power of having an abundance mindset.

An alternative to the scarcity mindset is having an abundance mindset.

An abundance mindset is the belief that there is more than enough in the world, along with the understanding that we are more than enough and that we have everything we need for success.

Being abundant is about more than having financial wealth. Abundance includes love, good health, happiness, meaningful work and spirituality.

An abundance mindset causes feelings of joy, love and optimism.

We are in a state of expansion rather than contraction. We are more creative and are more able to see  the possibilities.

An abundance mindset helps us be more happy and successful in life, work and relationships

“The most important thing to understand is that abundance begins in the mind. Choosing a belief system that cultivates abundance is crucial.” ~ Deepak Chopra

We all experience feelings of scarcity from time to time but it is always possible to practice an abundant mindset. Over time we can train our thought patterns and spend more time feeling abundant.

Here are six practices to cultivate an abundance mindset.

Opening our minds to abundance.

#1. Practice gratitude.

By noticing and appreciating the things we already have—the people in our lives that support us and the things that are going well—we open ourselves up to finding more to be grateful about.

Practicing gratitude on a daily basis is perhaps the most powerful thing we can do to increase our feelings of abundance. This can be as simple as starting off the day by writing down three things for which we are grateful.

Keeping a gratitude journal can be especially helpful.

Personally, I keep a simple journal with a place set aside for writing down the things I’m grateful for each day. This practice has made a noticeable difference in my life. I’ve found that feeling grateful is the fastest way for me to get back on track when I need to.

#2. Relax and expand our vision.

We can expand our vision by looking within.

“Expansion is the great friend of abundance. It brings in the light, opening up new possibilities. In a relaxed, open state, our awareness sees farther, and life isn’t so confined.” ~ Deepak Chopra

We can spend a few minutes each day in quiet meditation or just allowing ourselves to relax by soaking in a warm bath, going for a walk, practicing yoga or getting a massage.

Looking inside is the most effective tools but it’s easy to forget when we get busy.

Personally, some of my most creative ideas came to mind during a massage, during yoga or while gardening.

Allowing our minds to relax and become clear provides the opportunity for new ideas to come in.

“Abundance is a process of letting go; that which is empty can receive.” ~Bryant H. McGill

#3. Take responsibility.

Taking full responsibility and accepting our lives, circumstances, feelings and futures is empowering. If we feel like we aren’t in control of our own life or that we are a victim it’s very difficult to have an abundance mindset.

#4. Turn negativity into positive action.

If something in our lives isn’t going well or is less than ideal, rather than complaining about it or getting caught up in negative emotions, we can find one positive action to improve the situation.

One small step in the right direction can shift the momentum. Positive actions can include brainstorming possible solutions, talking to a close friend or trusted advisor, speaking up or establishing personal boundaries.

#5. Allow ourselves to feel luxurious.

The Artist’s Way at Work by: Mark Bryan and Julia Cameron suggests we list ten things that cost less than twenty dollars that create a feeling of luxury. For example: buying a new classical CD, a new coffee mug, a bouquet of flowers or a manicure.

Allowing ourselves to feel luxurious let’s us release feelings of scarcity.

Simple yet inexpensive luxuries are a fun and effective tool in creating an abundance mindset.

#6. Use Essential Oils As a Reminder.

Scents are powerful triggers to our brains and can be helpful reminders of intentions.

That’s why I love essential oils. One of my favorite essential oils is called abundance. It’s a blend of cinnamon, patchouli, orange, clove, ginger and frankincense oils.

Just a hint of this wonderfully cinnamony oil is enough to remind me of feelings of abundance. I put the oil on the inside of my wallet and am pleasantly reminded about abundance every time I pay for something at the store.

What ways do you open your mind to abundance? Let me know in the comments below.


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Apprentice Editor: Brandie Smith/ Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: courtesy of the author

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Monica Bourgeau